What Does Your Future Look Like?

Scriptures references used from Psalm 31 (NLT) Psalm 31 reflects on three distinct experiences in the life of the Psalmist during a difficult season of life. Scholars believe that this season could represent one of two serious events that took place in David's life. The first event revolved around the attack upon David's life by …


One of my earliest childhood memories was watching snails in our backyard flower garden. I was fascinated by this little creature with a shell, a slimy little tummy, and tiny eyes that turned like periscopes. But what really seemed unusual was how slowly a snail travels. How slow does a snail go? One study clocked …

Eats, Shoots and Leaves

In her amusing book Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynne Truss bemoans the problem of poor punctuation in today’s world. To illustrate, she tells the funny story of a panda who enters a café, orders a sandwich, eats it, and then pulls out a gun and starts shooting. When a waiter asks him to explain his …

Bulldogs and Poodles

The story’s told of a bulldog and poodle who were arguing one day. The bulldog was making fun of the poodle, calling him a weak little runt who couldn’t do anything. The bulldog said, “I challenge you to a contest. Let’s see who can open the back door of their house the fastest and get …